The recent passing of Neil Peart has inspired to me write about how the band Rush has influenced my life. If you are a musician reading this there is no doubt in my mind that Rush has effected you in similar ways. Rush was a musician’s band, while also being a music group for the everyday person. They wrote relateable …
How To Critique Music Objectively
While studying music composition we learned how to objectively critique music by considering eight attributes of music: Dynamics, Rhythm (duration), Pitch (range), Timbre, Direction and Space, Attack (articulation), Texture, and Density. Writing a good music critique can be hard without a core blue print. If you can talk about each individual attribute it will all add up to a decent …
Why New Due Review?
Where did the name come from? Why Newduereview? I thought I would pose this question to you right away before we get any deeper into the tangle of the music world. The quick answer is the name Newduereview comes from the concept of musical appropriation. I appreciate the Wikipedia definition of appropriation: “Appropriation in art is the use of pre-existing …