Why New Due Review?

In Music Articles by newduereview

Where did the name come from? Why Newduereview?

I thought I would pose this question to you right away before we get any deeper into the tangle of the music world. The quick answer is the name Newduereview comes from the concept of musical appropriation.

I appreciate the Wikipedia definition of appropriation: “Appropriation in art is the use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them.”

How does this relate to Newduereview?

Ever heard of a funk band called Parliament? I am sure you have. They do a great little song called New Doo Review on their 1980 album Trombipulation.

This isn’t a coincidence, this was deliberate. “Why use brylcream? It’s Nothing but Water.” I took doo and made it like a due date. “In philosophy, temporality is traditionally the linear progression of past, present, and future.” It’s nothing but water so I added a little bit of a due and we got Newduereview dot com baby!

I always appreciated Parliaments their lyrical commentary on life. Being a bass player I have an affinity for the electric bass grooves. Gotta love Bootsy baby! The outrageous party lifestyle and extravagance is intriguing. We won’t have anything like that ever again making it all the more interesting to look back to.

Yes! I borrowed the name and changed it to suit the intentions of my blog. I want to look at music in new ways. Right now, I have no idea where music is going, so it’s high time for a new due review on music.

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